A virtual scientific session about “Science of Earthquakes” through collaboration with the Geological Society of America and several other partners, including our CSCE – PEI Section.

LIVE SESSION: Geoscience Field Experiences with Dr. Chris Spencer 

Join us for a live video session to learn the importance of geological fieldwork with Dr. Chris Spencer (April 28th, 4:00 PM ET). Registration Link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/live-session-geoscience-field-experiences-with-dr-chris-spencer-tickets-616075557577

LIVE SESSION: Geology of Volcanoes with Denali 

Join us for a live video session to learn the geology of volcanoes with Denali (April 29th, 6:30 PM ET). Registration Link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/live-session-geology-of-volcanoes-with-denali-tickets-616105146077

LIVE SESSION: Why Geoscience Matters To You

Join us for a live video session to learn why geoscientific literacy is essential for everyone. (May 5th, 3:00 PM ET). Registration Link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/live-session-why-geoscience-matters-to-you-tickets-619243753737   

LIVE SESSION: Evolution of Earth with Rachel Phillips

Join us for a live video session to learn how our Earth evolved through time. (May 10th, 6:30 PM ET). Registration Link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/live-session-evolution-of-earth-with-rachel-phillips-tickets-618846686097

LIVE SESSION: Natural Disasters and Human Health

Join us for a live video session to learn the impacts of natural disasters on human health. (May 12th, 9:00 PM ET). Registration link:     

Categories: Events