On March 10th, 2023, the PEI Section of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) has been officially launched by its inaugural executive committee in the Canadian Centre for Climate Change and Adaptation (CCCCA) at UPEI in St. Peter’s Bay.

The CSCE PEI Section’s executive committee meeting in the CCCCA, St. Peter’s Bay on March 10, 2023.
(Photo Credit: Dr. Quan Van Dau)
The goal of the CSCE PEI Section to promote high standards of civil engineering practices in PEI and increase public awareness of the civil engineering profession. In particular, the objectives of the PEI Section are to:
- Provide members with services and benefits customized to their unique career development needs in all areas of civil engineering practice.
- Engage youth and promote the benefits of the civil engineering profession.
- Promote sustainable civil engineering practices through professional development activities and forums.
“Historically, PEI is part of the East NB and PEI section of the CSCE. As the need for civil engineers in PEI increases dramatically in recent years, it is a good timing to launch its own section as a province.” said by Dr. Xander Wang, an associate professor in the School of Climate Change and Adaptation at UPEI, who is the chair of the executive committee.
Mr. Jody MacLeod of CBCL Limited mentioned: “the CSCE PEI Section will help bring all civil engineering practitioners across PEI together and offer a platform for people in this area to connect with peers, exchange ideas, and enhance professional skills.” Mr. MacLeod is serving the vice chair of the executive committee.
“PEI is now facing many challeges brought by climate change, such as sea level rise, coastal erosion, and flooding. The launch of the CSCE PEI Section will help train more professionals in the field of civil engineering and ultimately enhance the workforce for building climate-resilient infrastructures in PEI.” added by Mr. Nazmi Lawen of Coles Associates Ltd, a member of the executive committee.
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